The AIM welcomes La Plateforme
If the countries of the Mediterranean basin have many assets, developing socioeconomic ties and technological cooperation remains one of the main challenges to invigorate the region.
The Interministerial Delegation for the Mediterranean (DIMED) and La Plateforme_ have therefore decided to launch a forum dedicated to Mediterranean cooperation on the theme of artificial intelligence.
This first edition of the Forum will bring together key AI stakeholders in the Mediterranean region—companies and startups, researchers, and investors—around the following issue :
- What solutions can AI offer to the major challenges facing the Mediterranean ?
- How can AI help improve public policies and services ?
Program & Speakers
Karim AMELLAL – Ambassador and Interministerial Delegate for the Mediterranean
Cyril ZIMMERMANN – CEO of LaPlateforme
Cédric VILLANI – Mathematician & sponsor of the Mediterranean Forum on Artificial Intelligence
Clara CHAPPAZ – Secretary of State for Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy
Mounim A. EL YACOUBI – Professor at Telecom SudParis and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Achraf EL ALLALI – Associate Professor of Bioinformatics at
Mohammed VI University (UM6P)
Etienne MINVIELLE – Director of the Management Research Centre
at the Ecole Polytechnique (CNRS, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), public health doctor at Gustave Roussy, corresponding member of the Académie Nationale de Médecine.
Théophile MOHR DURDEZ – CEO of Volta Medical
Sabrina AMROUCHE – Co-founder Africlimate AI
Olivier DEPRAZ – DG ImagEAU
Christine LE BRUN – Leader Intelligent and Sustainable Territories
at Onepoint
Christophe LOPEZ – Partner Industry, Life Science and Food Sector at Onepoint
Romain FARROUX – Director of Operations, La Ferme Digitale
Olivier LEPINE – CEO of Brad Technology
Hamza RKHA – CEOSOWIT, Member of the Board of Directors of the NGO AfricaGoesDigital and co-author of the report ‘Drones on the Horizon : Transforming African Agriculture’.
Hadi ABD SATER – CNRS Lebanon, Research Assistant at the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS-L) Lebanon
Lamiae AZIZI – Professor at Mohammed VI University (UM6P)
Myriam FOURNIER KACIMI – CEO of SunGy, President of French Tech Algiers
Michel LUTZ – Chief Data Officer & Digital Factory, Head of Data and AI at TotalEnergies
Walid BARHOUMI – Member of the commission for the doctorate in computer science at the Faculty of Science in Tunis
Rita MAALOUF – Researcher, specialist in geopolitics at the CNRS ‘LADYSS’ laboratory
Elie RAAD – Head of AI for Inmind.ai, specialist in data science, machine learning, NLP and NLG
Karim AMELLAL – Ambassador, Interministerial Delegate for the Mediterranean
Prochainement disponible
Metro : ligne M2, “Rond-Point du Prado” station
Bus : ligne 21JET towards Campus de Luminy
Parking n°1 : Zenpark – Parking Marseille – Stade Vélodrome – Michelet, 30 Bd Michelet, 13008 Marseille
Parking n°2 : Negresko, 20 Rue Negresko, 13008 Marseille
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